Our metering outfits dispose of two elements, this means that they consist on 2 current transformers and 2 potencial transformers introduced in a sealed pond where they are immersed in insulating mineral oil, silicone or FR3 biodegradable vegetal oil. They are manufactured for an outdoors’ use and in three phase distribution lines up to 34 kV.

These Metering Outfits are designed to work on contaminated areas, of robust work, and they have an altitude of operation up to 5.500 m.a.s.l.

They may be indoors or outdoors, working on coastal, rural, urban, industrial areas, etc.

All our Metering Outfits are designed and manufactured according to norm ANSI C.57.13 of American National Standard Institute.


– Class: 15-25-34KV.

– Reason of transformation: 8400/240v or 224v, 12.000/240 or 224V, 14.400/240v or 224C or order.

– Connection:

2 Elements: Delta-Open.

– Accuracy: 0.3

– Thermic capacity: Permanent load 500Va, the increment of temperature is minor than 55ºC (measured by resistance).

– Frequency: 50Hz.

– Burden: 25Va.

– Multiple current relationship:

2 Elements: 1-3/5A, 10-20/5A, 15-30/5A or customer’s order.


– Backpack pond and anchor base.

– Oil level indicator sight glass-type.

– A.T. Insulators class 15, 25 or 34 KV.

– Lifting eyebolts in pond and lid.

– Valve for the exposing and draining of oil.

– Earth-connection.

– B.T. Terminals in resin epoxy insulators, with ¼” bronze pin.